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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Finding Internships for Freshmen

Hey guys, I'm a 9th grader and I want to start exploring my career options early. Are there any internships or opportunities that would be a good fit for someone my age? I'm open to any field, I just want to learn!

a year ago

Hi there! It's fantastic that you're eager to explore career options early on. It's true that most internships usually target high school juniors and seniors, but there are still opportunities out there for freshmen.

1. Start exploring local businesses and organizations: Reach out to local businesses or non-profits in your community and express your interest in learning about their field. Some organizations might be open to having a high school student shadow or volunteer for a few hours a week on specific projects.

2. Networking: Talk to your teachers, counselors, and older students who might have connections or information about available internships or opportunities for freshmen. They could provide you with valuable insights and referrals.

3. Utilize online platforms: Websites like, Chegg Internships, or LinkedIn offer internship listings that you can search by location, field, and age. You might find some options specifically for younger students. CollegeVine is another resource you can use to find opportunities and advice.

4. Look for summer programs: While not an internship, many universities and organizations offer summer programs for high school students, which can help you explore different career options. Inquire about eligibility as some may accept freshmen.

5. Create your own opportunities: If you don't find internships or programs geared toward your age, consider initiating your own project related to your interests. For example, if you're interested in technology, start learning how to code or develop a website. If you are passionate about history, you could start a YouTube channel or TikTok dedicated to teaching fun historical facts.

Remember, it's important to be proactive and persistent when searching for internships or opportunities. Though it might be more challenging to find internships at your age, your enthusiasm and determination will go a long way. Good luck!

a year ago

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