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What are some good organizations for high school students?

I'm looking to join a few organizations geared towards high schoolers to develop my skills and interests. Any recommendations on national or international organizations that are beneficial for high school students?

a year ago

There are quite a few organizations that are great for high school students, depending on your interests and goals. I will list some here and provide a brief description of each:

1. Key Club International: This organization focuses on community service and leadership development. As a member, you'll have opportunities to participate in various projects benefiting your local community and beyond.

2. HOSA - Future Health Professionals: If you're interested in pursuing a career in healthcare, this organization offers competitions, conferences, and networking opportunities for students interested in the medical field.

3. DECA: This organization helps students develop skills in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. DECA offers competitions, workshops, and conferences that help students prepare for careers in business and entrepreneurship.

4. Model United Nations (MUN): MUN is perfect for students interested in international relations, diplomacy, or politics. Participants simulate UN conferences, engage in debates, and develop negotiation and public speaking skills.

5. Science Olympiad: This organization offers competitions in which teams of students compete in a range of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) events, ranging from building structures to solving complex problems.

6. National Honor Society (NHS): If you excel academically and have a strong record of community service, you might be eligible to join the NHS. This organization focuses on scholarship, service, leadership, and character development.

7. Robotics Clubs (such as FIRST Robotics): These clubs offer opportunities for hands-on experience with building and programming robots while working with a team of peers to compete in regional and national competitions.

8. Speech and Debate: This organization helps students develop public speaking, communication, and critical thinking skills through various debate formats and competitions.

9. Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): FBLA members participate in career exploration, leadership development, and competitive events related to business and finance.

10. Amnesty International: This global human rights organization has numerous chapters for high school students interested in advocacy and social justice.

These are just a few examples of the many organizations available to high school students. It's important to remember that what matters most is finding an organization or club that aligns with your interests and helps you grow both personally and academically. You can always consult with your school's guidance counselor or club advisor for more suggestions tailored to your interests and goals.

a year ago

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