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Math-related extracurriculars for high school students?

Hi everyone! I'm looking for some math-related extracurricular activities to participate in during high school. I've already joined my school's math club and our Math Olympiad team, but I want to get more involved. Any suggestions for other math-related extracurriculars, competitions, or programs that I could join? Thanks!

8 months ago

It's fantastic that you're already actively involved in your school's math club and the Math Olympiad team! There are many other math-related extracurricular activities, competitions, and programs you can explore to further your interest in mathematics. Here are some suggestions:

1. American Mathematics Competitions (AMC): These competitions, organized by the Mathematical Association of America, are divided into various levels based on age groups, with the AMC 8, AMC 10, and AMC 12 targeting middle school and high school students.

2. The USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS): A free mathematics competition open to all US middle and high school students. It emphasizes problem-solving and mathematical proof, rather than speed.

3. The Mandelbrot Competition: This national competition targets high schools, with monthly rounds and cumulative scoring. Teams can participate, or you can compete individually.

4. Math Kangaroo: A fun, international math competition that promotes mathematical interest and education. It's open to students in grades 1-12.

5. MathCounts: If you're in middle school, this program offers competitions at the school, district, state, and national levels.

Additionally, you might consider exploring math enrichment programs or summer camps, such as:

1. The Ross Mathematics Program: Offers an intensive summer experience in mathematics for students who enjoy problem-solving and creative thinking.

2. PROMYS: A challenging summer program for high school students at Boston University that focuses on advanced mathematics.

3. MathPath: A summer camp for middle school students who want to explore mathematics concepts and develop problem-solving skills.

4. The Art of Problem Solving (AoPS): Offers numerous online courses and a community forum for students interested in mathematics. It also provides resources for math competitions.

Finally, consider starting your own math-oriented project, like creating a blog or YouTube channel where you can share your love for mathematics and help others learn new topics or concepts.

Remember, it's essential to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to extracurriculars. Pursuing a few math-related activities that you're genuinely passionate about will make a more significant impact on your growth and college applications. Good luck!

8 months ago

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