Hey guys! I'm working on the Harvard application and I want to nail the extracurricular essay. Any advice on what makes a strong EC essay? Should I focus on one activity or mention a few?
When writing the Harvard extracurricular essay, it's crucial to showcase a meaningful activity that presents a unique side of yourself to the admissions committee. Here are some tips to help you craft a strong extracurricular essay:
1. Focus on one activity: It's generally more effective to concentrate on one significant extracurricular activity rather than mentioning multiple activities. This allows you to delve deeper into your experience, highlighting the impact of your involvement and the personal growth it fostered.
2. Emphasize your impact and personal growth: Illustrate the positive effects your involvement had on you, the organization, or the people you were working with. Discuss how your engagement in this activity has helped you grow and develop as an individual, showcasing the skills and qualities you gained from this experience.
3. Provide a unique perspective: Share a unique story or anecdote related to your involvement that demonstrates your passion, dedication, or other traits that set you apart from other applicants. This will help you stand out from other candidates who may be writing about similar activities.
4. Show, don't tell: Use specific examples and concrete details to help paint a vivid picture of your experience. Instead of merely stating that you were dedicated or passionate, provide clear instances that demonstrate these traits, such as the initiatives you led or the obstacles you overcame.
5. Be concise and well-organized: With the Harvard supplemental essay word limit being 150 words, it's important to keep your writing focused and clear. Stick to a central idea and organize your thoughts in a logical order. Avoid unnecessary repetition and excessive use of adjectives.
6. Edit and revise: Proofread your essay multiple times to ensure proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Also, make sure your essay is coherent and flows smoothly from one idea to the next. Solicit feedback from a teacher, counselor, or trusted peer to gain additional insight and recommendations for improvement.
For more information on the Harvard essays click here: https://blog.collegevine.com/how-to-write-the-harvard-university-essays/
Overall, the key to a successful Harvard extracurricular essay is to highlight your passion, dedication, and growth in a clear, concise, and engaging manner. Focus on one activity and provide unique details that showcase your personal development and the impact of your involvement.
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