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Resume for Common App: What should I include?

Hey, I'm trying to create a solid resume to submit with my Common App, but I'm not exactly sure what I should include. Which categories should I prioritize, and what types of experiences or accomplishments are best to highlight? Any advice would be appreciated.

a year ago

Hello! A well-crafted resume can definitely help showcase your achievements and experiences during the college application process. Here are some categories to consider including in your resume, along with some examples of what to feature within each category:

1. Education: Make sure to list your high school name, graduation year, and any particularly strong academic achievements like honors, advanced courses, or a high GPA.

2. Extracurricular Activities: Detail your involvement in clubs, organizations, and sports teams, emphasizing leadership roles (e.g., club president, team captain) and specific accomplishments within the group. Remember that quality is more important than quantity, so focus on the activities in which you were most dedicated and engaged.

3. Work Experience: Include any part-time jobs, internships, or work-study experiences you have had, highlighting your responsibilities and the skills you gained, especially time management, teamwork, or problem-solving.

4. Volunteer & Community Service: If applicable, list any volunteering work, community projects, or service-oriented activities you participated in. Showcase how you contributed to these causes, either through direct involvement or any leadership roles you held.

5. Awards & Honors: Mention any academic, athletic, artistic, or other awards and honors you have received. If you have received national or regional recognition, prioritize those achievements.

6. Skills & Interests: Briefly highlight any unique or exceptional skills (e.g., fluency in multiple languages, advanced computer programming) and interests that make you a well-rounded applicant.

Remember to structure your resume with clear headings, bullet points, and concise descriptions. Aim to keep it to one page, prioritizing the most relevant and impressive information. Tailor it to highlight your strengths and demonstrate your alignment with the colleges you're applying to. Lastly, be sure to proofread meticulously for formatting consistency and to avoid any typographical errors. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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