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Required number of extracurriculars for Ivy League schools

Hey everyone! So I'm gearing up to apply to some Ivy League schools, but I'm a bit stressed about my extracurriculars. Can anyone provide insight on how many extracurricular activities are typically needed/expected for applicants to be competitive at these top institutions?

8 months ago

Hello there! It's understandable to be concerned about your extracurriculars, as they are an important aspect of your college application. While there isn't a required specific number of extracurricular activities for Ivy League schools, the general rule of thumb is quality over quantity.

Typically, successful applicants at top colleges engage in 8-10 extracurricular activities. Keep in mind that many of these activities may be seasonal (e.g., sports) and applicants are usually deeply involved in a select few, rather than moderately engaged in many. These top schools look for applicants who demonstrate a strong "spike" in a specific field where they excel and are passionate. For example, if you are passionate about history, your spike might be demonstrated by tutoring history to middle schoolers, volunteering at a museum in your town, and being president of the mock trial team at your school. This isn't to say that you couldn't be involved in other activities, but you would dedicate the most time and hold leadership positions in the activities that align most closely with your spike.

Ultimately, it's not just about the number of activities you have, but what they reveal about you and your passions. Focus on excelling in the areas you're passionate about rather than trying to fill your application with a long list of activities. Showcasing your dedication and achievements in these areas will make your application more compelling to Ivy League schools. Good luck with your applications!

8 months ago

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