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SDSU Pre-Med program - opinions?

Hey guys, I'm considering applying to SDSU for their pre-med program. Anyone here have any experiences with it? I'd love to hear about the program's strengths and weaknesses, if there's research opportunities, and how well it prepares you for med school. Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! SDSU's pre-med program has a solid reputation in providing a strong foundation for students aspiring to attend medical school. Let's break down some of the aspects you're curious about:


1. The pre-med track offers a variety of courses that cover the prerequisites for medical school and equips you with the necessary knowledge for the MCAT.

2. Many students report that the faculty is highly knowledgeable, approachable, and invested in helping students succeed.

3. SDSU has pre-med-focused clubs such as the American Medical Student Association (AMSA) chapter and the Pre-Medical Honor Society, which offer networking, volunteer work, and leadership opportunities.


1. It's worth noting that the program can be quite competitive, especially for prerequisite courses like organic chemistry and biology. This may make it challenging to secure top grades, which are crucial for medical school admissions.

2. As a large public university, some students may feel that there are not enough resources or personalized attention, especially in comparison to smaller private schools.

Research Opportunities:

While research opportunities exist at SDSU, they may be slightly more limited compared to universities with larger research budgets. However, many students still manage to secure research positions on campus or at nearby institutions such as UCSD and Scripps Research.

Med School Preparation:

Overall, SDSU's pre-med program prepares students well for medical school. A robust curriculum with various extracurricular opportunities can help you demonstrate academic and personal growth in the eyes of medical school admissions committees. In addition, SDSU has its own health professions advising office which can help guide you through the complex application process.

a year ago

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