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Princeton additional letters of recommendation

Hey guys, when applying to Princeton, I know they require at least two recommendation letters from teachers. But what if I have a really awesome third recommendation from a teacher or a mentor who knows me very well? Would that be helpful, or would it just be considered 'extra'? Would love to hear your thoughts!

8 months ago

Hello! Adding an extra letter of recommendation can be helpful in certain circumstances, but be cautious about doing so. Admissions officers at Princeton, like at many other selective colleges, are usually swamped with applications and have limited time to review each file thoroughly. Therefore, an additional letter should only be included if it genuinely provides new insights or perspectives on your character, achievements, or potential that are distinct from what your other recommenders have covered.

If the third recommendation is from someone who can speak about a significant aspect of your growth, your specific academic or extracurricular interests, or an extraordinary accomplishment not highlighted by the other two recommenders, then it could enrich your application. For instance, if you conducted research with a professor or worked closely with a mentor in a leadership role, their endorsement could help illuminate your strengths in a new way.

However, if the third letter essentially reiterates information that can already be found elsewhere in your application, it may not add much value and could even potentially detract from the overall impact of your profile. Also, keep in mind that colleges are more interested in the quality of their applicants' relationships with their recommenders and the insight provided by their letters, rather than the sheer number of recommendations submitted.

8 months ago

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