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Lehigh University Fly-In Program: How to Apply?

Hi there! I heard about the Lehigh University Fly-In Program and was wondering how to apply. If any of you have participated in this program, what was your experience like and what are the requirements? Any advice on making my application stand out would be much appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! It's exciting that you're interested in Lehigh University's Fly-In Program. These programs can be a great way to familiarize yourself with a campus and demonstrate your interest in a college.

To apply for Lehigh's Diversity Achievers Program (DAP), which is their Fly-In Program, you should visit the university's website and navigate to the DAP page. Typically, the application process starts in late summer or early fall, and the deadline for submission is in mid-September. Make sure to keep an eye on Lehigh's DAP page to stay up-to-date on specific dates and application information.

Requirements for participation usually include being a current high school senior from an underrepresented background or a first-generation college student. Additionally, you should have a strong academic record and demonstrated leadership qualities.

To make your application stand out, consider highlighting your unique experiences, perspectives, and accomplishments. Showcase your passions and what you would bring to campus as a potential student. Ideally, you should be specific about why you're interested in Lehigh and how you see yourself contributing to its diverse community.

As for the experience, participating in a Fly-In Program will give you a snapshot of life at Lehigh. During your visit, you'll have the opportunity to stay overnight in a residence hall, attend classes, mingle with current students, and participate in campus activities. You will also get valuable information about admissions and financial aid.

Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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