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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Which colleges use IDOC?

I've been researching the financial aid process for applying to colleges, and I came across IDOC (Institutional Documentation Service). Can someone please help me understand which colleges use IDOC and how it works? Is there a list I can refer to? Thanks!

8 months ago

Sure, I'm happy to help! IDOC is used by certain colleges and universities in the United States to collect additional financial aid documentation from students and their families. The main purpose of IDOC is to streamline the financial aid process by providing a centralized platform to collect and securely store financial documents.

Not all colleges use IDOC, but many selective institutions do. There is no comprehensive list of colleges that use IDOC; however, you can find a list of participating schools on College Board's IDOC website. You can access the list by logging into your IDOC account, or you can find a list on the financial aid section of each college's website. Remember that colleges might change their IDOC participation status, so it's always best to double-check each institution's requirements.

The way IDOC works is that once you have submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and/or the CSS Profile, some of the colleges and universities on your list may ask you to submit additional documentation through IDOC. You'll receive an email from the College Board with a link that takes you to the IDOC portal. There, you'll find specific instructions on which documents to submit, such as tax returns, W-2 forms, or other financial statements. You'll need to upload these documents and submit them electronically through the IDOC platform.

Keep in mind that deadlines for IDOC submissions may differ from college to college, so it's essential to be aware of each institution's specific deadlines. Pay close attention to emails you receive from schools or the College Board, as they will contain essential information about documents and deadlines.

Remember, submitting your financial aid documents accurately and promptly is crucial to receiving the best financial aid package possible. So make sure to follow the instructions and deadlines carefully. Good luck!

8 months ago

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