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Journalism in high school?

I'm really passionate about journalism and hope to pursue it in college. Can anyone suggest some activities or extracurriculars to help me gain experience in high school and improve my applications?

a year ago

It's wonderful to hear about your passion for journalism! There are several activities and extracurriculars you can consider to gain experience in high school and strengthen your college applications.

1. School Newspaper or Yearbook: Joining your school's newspaper or yearbook committee is an excellent way to start. You can gain hands-on experience in writing, editing, layout design, and even photography.

2. Start a Blog or Podcast: Creating your own blog or podcast can be a fantastic way to showcase your writing or communication skills and build a portfolio. Pick a niche or topic you feel passionate about and start sharing your thoughts and insights.

3. Local News: Approach your local newspaper or news website about contributing articles or assisting in any way possible. This opportunity will help you understand the professional world of journalism and allow you to work with experienced journalists.

4. Journalism Club: If your school doesn't have a journalism club, consider starting one yourself. This would demonstrate leadership and commitment to the field while also allowing you and fellow students to explore journalism together.

5. Writing Competitions: Participate in writing competitions or submit your work to teen literary magazines. Not only does this give you the chance to refine your writing skills, but it also adds credibility to your applications if you win or are published.

6. Summer Camps or Workshops: Look for journalism-related summer camps, workshops, or programs designed for high-school students. These experiences can give you additional skills and knowledge, and they show your dedication to the field.

7. Volunteer Work: Consider doing community service that involves writing or communication. For example, you can volunteer at a local library helping to create newsletters, or assist non-profit organizations with their social media or marketing efforts.

Remember that it's essential to focus on the quality of your involvement in these activities rather than the quantity. Showcasing your passion, dedication, and skill development in a few key areas will leave a much stronger impression on college admissions officers. Best of luck on your journey into journalism!

a year ago

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