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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Self-reporting SAT scores - any risks?

Hello everyone, I was wondering if there are any risks to self-reporting SAT scores on college applications. Do colleges check if your self-reported scores are accurate? Could my application be denied or rescinded if there's a discrepancy? Thanks for any input!

a year ago

Hi there! Self-reporting SAT scores is a common practice for many colleges that can save you time and money on sending official score reports. Typically, colleges trust the accuracy of self-reported test scores during the initial admissions process. However, keep in mind that if you are admitted and choose to enroll at a college, you will typically need to send in the official score report to confirm your self-reported scores.

It is crucial that you report your SAT scores honestly and accurately. If a discrepancy is found between your self-reported scores and your official score report, it could result in serious consequences such as your admission offer being rescinded or disciplinary actions. Colleges do understand small, unintentional discrepancies caused by human error (such as writing 1250 instead of 1260), but intentionally misrepresenting your scores can harm your prospects significantly.

So yes, self-reporting can be a safe and efficient way of submitting your SAT scores during the application phase. Just be sure to be accurate and honest while reporting, and to send your official score reports once you decide to commit to a college. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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