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Internships at Law Firms for High Schoolers

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in pursuing a career in law and was wondering if any of y'all know about internships at law firms for high school students? Are there any specific firms or programs that I should look into? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great to see you're interested in gaining some hands-on experience in the legal field while still in high school. While internships for high schoolers can be competitive, it's not impossible to find opportunities.

One option you might consider is reaching out to local law firms and checking if they have any internships available or are open to taking on a high school intern. You might want to search for smaller, local firms instead of large national or international firms, as they may be more likely to consider high school interns. When you contact them, be sure to showcase your enthusiasm and make a strong pitch for what you can contribute as an intern.

You should also research pre-law or legal-related extracurricular programs designed for high school students. These programs can provide you with exposure to the legal field and sometimes offer internships, shadowing, or other learning experiences. Examples of such programs include the National Student Leadership Conference's Law & Advocacy program or the Mock Trial programs offered at some high schools. You can also find a list of options on CollegeVine's blog:

If your school has a guidance counselor, career center, or a teacher dedicated to law and government, they may be able to help connect you with potential opportunities or suggest organizations looking for interns.

Lastly, don't forget to utilize your personal network. If you or your family knows anyone who works in the legal field, reach out and ask if they have any ideas or contacts that could help you find an internship. Even if it doesn't lead to an internship, you can still benefit from informational interviews and advice from professionals.

Good luck in your search, and remember that persistence makes a difference when seeking out these opportunities!

a year ago

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