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SAT: 720 math
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Rice Early Action: Thoughts on Applying?

I'm considering applying to Rice University through Early Action and was wondering if there are any advantages to doing so. Would it increase my chances of getting in, or should I just apply through Regular Decision instead?

8 months ago

Applying Early Action (EA) can indeed boost your chances of admission compared to Regular Decision (RD). The benefits of Early Action include demonstrating your strong interest in the school, often receiving an admissions decision earlier, and not being obligated to attend if accepted, unlike Early Decision.

For more selective colleges, applying EA results in a modest increase in your chances of admission. While there's no specific data available for Rice's EA acceptance rates, applying EA to highly selective colleges can typically increase your chances by around 1.6x or a 60% increase. However, this boost can vary and may be less pronounced for less selective schools. Keep in mind that these numbers are just general guidance and not guarantees.

Moreover, applying EA may give you more time to improve your application if you're deferred to Regular Decision. If Rice decides to defer your application, you can update your materials, such as achieving higher test scores, adding new awards or leadership roles, or crafting a strong letter of continued interest expressing your enthusiasm for the school.

In conclusion, applying Early Action can increase your chances of admission, demonstrate your interest in the school, and still allow you the flexibility to compare offers from multiple colleges. It may be a good choice if you have a strong application by the EA deadline and would like to increase your chances of acceptance at Rice University.

8 months ago

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