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Which majors are considered the most stressful?

I want to choose a major that will challenge me, but I also want to take care of my mental health. Which college majors are commonly considered the most stressful? I'd like to research more about them and see if I'm prepared to handle the workload.

8 months ago

It's important to consider the potential stress levels associated with certain majors, as it can significantly impact your college experience and overall wellbeing. It's great that you're being mindful of this aspect.

While different individuals find different subjects stressful, there are a few majors that are commonly known for their high stress levels due to heavy workloads, demanding expectations, or intense competition:

1. Engineering: Engineering programs often involve rigorous coursework, complex problem-solving, and substantial project work. Majors such as civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering are known for their demanding nature.

2. Architecture: Architecture majors can expect long hours, intense design projects, and challenging courses in design, history, and theory. The process of producing extensive project portfolios and frequent critiques can be quite stressful.

3. Pre-med/Biology: Pre-med and biology majors often deal with immense academic pressure and competitive environments, as they need to maintain high grades for medical school admissions. The coursework usually covers a wide range of topics, such as chemistry, physics, anatomy, and physiology.

4. Nursing: While rewarding, nursing majors face intense coursework, demanding clinical rotations, and the requirement to stay current with new technologies and procedures.

5. Computer Science: This major demands strong problem-solving skills, and students are expected to complete a number of intricately detailed programming and coding assignments.

6. Law/Political Science: These programs often involve extensive research, reading, writing, and critical thinking requirements. Students may experience stress due to the competitive nature of the field and the pressure to excel in law school.

7. Finance/Economics: Studying finance or economics can be demanding due to the amount of quantitative work, mathematical modeling, and analytical skills needed. High stakes in the business world can add to the overall stress.

8. Physics/Mathematics: Advanced math and physics demand rigorous coursework and a deep understanding of complex concepts and equations. This can be stressful, as students are often pushed to solve challenging problems with limited time and resources.

Finally, it's important to remember that no major is universally stressful for every student. Some may excel in challenging fields, while others may find them quite overwhelming. It's a good idea to evaluate the majors you're considering based on your strengths, interests, and future career goals. Talking to current students or alumni in those programs could also give you valuable insight into the specific stress levels and demands.

8 months ago

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