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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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New South Dorm Georgetown experience?

Any Georgetown students out there who've lived in the New South Dorm? What's your experience been like in terms of social life, facilities, and overall environment?

a year ago

In terms of social life, New South Dorm generally receives positive feedback. It's home to a mix of first-year and upperclassman students, creating opportunities for friendships and mentorship across classes. The common areas such as study rooms and lounges facilitate interaction and help create a strong sense of community. Plus, since it's connected to the dining hall, you'll likely run into friends and acquaintances during meal times, adding to the camaraderie.

Regarding facilities, New South has been recently renovated (it was completed in 2017), providing updated and comfortable living spaces. You'll find that the dormitory offers air conditioning, in-room sinks, and even elevators for accessibility—upgrades that not all dorms have at Georgetown. Additionally, you'll have access to various amenities such as the 24-hour student study lounge, technology/innovation lounge, and shared laundry facilities.

The overall environment in New South is often described as friendly and welcoming. Its location on campus is convenient as well, with proximity to the main campus library, fitness center, and academic buildings. Although some may describe the environment as social and upbeat, this doesn't mean it's constantly loud or difficult to find quiet time when needed. The balance between work and social life makes it an attractive living option for many Georgetown students.

Keep in mind that individual experiences can vary, and what works for one person might not be the best fit for another. If you have the chance, try to visit the campus and tour the dorms to get a personal feel for the atmosphere and whether it aligns with your preferences.

a year ago

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