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Good examples of honors for the Common App?

Hey everyone! Can you guys give me some examples of honors that high school students typically list on the Common App? I don't want to make any mistakes when I start filling out my application. Thanks!

8 months ago

Of course! Honors typically fall into four categories: academic, extracurricular, athletic, and community-based. Here are some examples in each category:

Academic Honors:

1. National Honor Society or subject-specific honor societies (e.g., Mu Alpha Theta for math)

2. Advanced Placement (AP) Scholar awards (e.g., AP Scholar with Distinction)

3. National Merit Scholarships

4. High-school specific academic awards (e.g., honor roll, department awards, salutatorian, valedictorian)

5. Awards from local, regional, or national academic competitions (e.g., Science Olympiad, History Bee, or National History Day)

Extracurricular Honors:

1. School club leadership positions (e.g., president, vice-president, treasurer, or secretary)

2. Awards from state, regional, or national extracurricular competitions (e.g., DECA, Future Business Leaders of America, or Model United Nations)

Athletic Honors:

1. Varsity letter or captainship

2. All-state or all-region team selections

3. MVP, MIP, or other team awards

4. Awards or records from state- or national-level competitions (e.g., Junior Olympics)

Community-based Honors:

1. Awards or recognition from local service organizations (e.g., Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club)

2. President's Volunteer Service Award

3. Recognition or grants for individual service projects (e.g., Eagle Scout or Gold Award)

4. Local or regional awards for community leadership and impact

Remember to only list honors you've genuinely earned throughout your high school career. This section is meant to highlight your most significant accomplishments. Good luck with your application!

8 months ago

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