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Quickly Accumulating Volunteer Hours

Hey everyone, my high school requires a certain number of volunteer hours for graduation, but I've been super busy with extracurriculars and academics. Anyone know of some opportunities where I can get a decent amount of hours in a short amount of time? Any advice on where to look or what organizations to reach out to?

a year ago

Definitely understand that balancing extracurriculars and academics can be challenging, so let's find some volunteering opportunities for you.

1. Local organizations/events: Typically, organizations like food banks, animal shelters, and charity runs often need volunteers, and you can accumulate quite a few hours over a weekend or on a daily basis. Visit their websites to check for volunteer opportunities and upcoming events.

2. Hospitals or nursing homes: Hospitals and nursing homes often have volunteer programs that allow you to commit to a specific number of hours per week or month. Reach out to nearby facilities to see if they're accepting volunteers. Keep in mind that some facilities may require a background check or other formalities.

3. Community centers and libraries: Local community centers and libraries may need help organizing events or tutoring younger children, which can be a good way to accumulate hours in shorter periods.

4. National organizations: Some national organizations, like Habitat for Humanity or the American Red Cross, have local chapters that often need volunteers for events or specific projects that may require a lot of hours in a short period of time. Also, look for local environmental or cleanup groups that usually organize monthly or weekly sessions.

5. Online volunteering platforms: There are various websites and platforms where you can find volunteer opportunities near you, such as and You can filter by location, type of work, and time commitment, making it easier to find opportunities that both fit your schedule and give you the hours you need.

Remember to reach out to an organization before deciding it's for sure right for you, as some may have specific volunteer recruitment periods or require certain paperwork to be completed. Good luck with your volunteering hours - I'm sure you'll find some great opportunities!

a year ago

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