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Pre-college architecture programs

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in architecture and I'm looking for pre-college programs to join in the next year or so. Are there any recommendations for programs in NYC or nearby?

8 months ago

Hi there! It's fantastic to see your interest in architecture. There are several pre-college programs in and around New York City that can help you explore the field and develop your skills. Here are a few recommendations:

1. The Cooper Union Pre-College Architecture Program: This is an intensive six-week summer program that introduces high school students to the field through design studio work, lectures, and field trips to significant architectural sites.

2. Parsons School of Design Pre-College Academy: They offer a summer intensive studies program in architecture, as well as a year-round pre-college academy which includes a variety of art and design courses, including architecture.

3. Pratt Institute Pre-College Summer Program: This program also offers an architecture track, which includes design studios, lectures, and field trips. Students will work on a design project and receive guidance from experienced faculty members.

4. Columbia University Introduction to Architecture: This is a three-week summer program designed for high school students with an interest in architectural design. Participants will learn important design concepts and develop their portfolios, gaining valuable experience for college applications.

5. New York Institute of Technology Pre-College Summer Academy: This program offers a two-week Architecture and Design course where students explore architectural design principles and create their own small-scale architectural structures.

Also check out this CollegeVine article with some suggestions for architecture summer programs: https://blog.collegevine.com/high-school-architecture-summer-programs

Keep in mind that many of these programs have application deadlines, so it's essential to stay organized and start researching early. Additionally, some of these programs may offer financial aid or scholarships, so don't hesitate to inquire about those opportunities. Good luck in your search and exploring the world of architecture!

8 months ago

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