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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Physics: Lab Science or Not?

Hey guys, I need some help with this question: Is physics considered a lab science? I'm curious because I know it's required for many college programs, and I just wanted to make sure I'm fulfilling that requirement. Thanks!

8 months ago

Hello! Yes, physics is considered a lab science. Most high school physics courses include both classroom instruction and lab components, where you have the opportunity to conduct experiments and collect data to validate the theories you learn in class. This hands-on experience is essential for understanding the scientific method and applying it to real-world situations.

So, if you take a physics course that includes a lab component, you will be fulfilling the lab science requirement for most college programs. It's also worth noting that many colleges often require applicants to have completed a certain number of years of lab sciences during high school, which may include not only physics, but also other subjects like biology and chemistry.

To ensure you've met the specific lab science requirements for the universities you're planning to apply to, be sure to double-check their admission requirements on their websites. Good luck!

8 months ago

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