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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Sending AP scores to colleges?

Hey everyone! I recently took a few AP exams, and I'm curious about how I should report my AP scores to colleges when I apply next year. Is it better to self-report them, or should I have the College Board officially send my scores? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! You've got a couple of options when it comes to reporting your AP scores to colleges. Many colleges allow you to self-report your AP scores on your application, either in the dedicated testing section or within your additional information section. If you choose to self-report, you won't need to send official score reports from the College Board at this stage.

In most cases, self-reporting your scores is sufficient during the application process, and it can save you some money. However, if you're accepted and choose to enroll at a particular college, they may require you to submit your official AP score report from the College Board to confirm your scores and determine possible course credit or placement.

When researching colleges, do check each college's specific requirements regarding AP score submission to ensure you're providing the necessary information in the requested way, as some may in fact require the official score reports up front. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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