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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What schools are part of the Midwest Student Exchange Program?

Hey guys, I'm looking into the Midwest Student Exchange Program as a way to find more affordable college options. Can anyone provide a list of participating schools or share their experiences with the program? Thanks so much!

8 months ago

The Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) is a great way to find more affordable college options for students in participating Midwestern states. Through this program, public institutions agree to charge students from other MSEP states no more than 150% of the in-state resident tuition rate, while private institutions offer a 10% reduction on their tuition rates.

Here is a list of states involved in the MSEP:

1. Illinois

2. Indiana

3. Kansas

4. Michigan

5. Minnesota

6. Missouri

7. Nebraska

8. North Dakota

9. Ohio

10. Wisconsin

However, not every college or university within these states participates in the MSEP. It's essential to visit the Midwest Student Exchange Program website for the most up-to-date list of participating colleges and universities, which you can find here: https://msep.mhec.org/institutions

As for experiences, students who have utilized the MSEP often find that it helps make college more affordable, thus reducing the burden of student loans and financial stress throughout their education. This, in turn, can help students focus on their academic goals and enjoy their college experience more fully.

Remember to consider other factors, such as campus culture, academic programs, and location, while researching schools. MSEP can be an excellent opportunity to save on tuition, but make sure the school is the right fit for you in all aspects. Good luck in your college search!

8 months ago

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