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Tips for Pratt essay?

Has anyone applied to the Pratt Institute and can give some tips on what they're looking for in applicants' essays? What aspects should I focus on or emphasize in my writing?

8 months ago

When writing your essay for Pratt Institute, it's essential to showcase your unique personality and interests that align with the school's values. Pratt is known for its emphasis on creativity, innovation, and dedication to the arts and design, so you'll want to emphasize your passion for these areas in your writing. Here are some tips to consider:

1. Focus on your interest in the program and field: Describe your experiences and background in your chosen field of art or design. Discuss the projects you have undertaken, any awards or recognition you have received, and the development of your artistic skills or design expertise.

2. Show your dedication and passion: Explain why you are passionate about your chosen field and how you plan to use your time at Pratt to achieve your goals. Describe what drives you to create and the impact you hope your work has on the world.

3. Connect your goals with Pratt's offerings: Research the programs, courses, and opportunities available at Pratt and mention specific aspects that attract you to the school. Connect with faculty members or alumni who share similar interests and discuss how you will benefit from their expertise and guidance.

4. Be authentic and personal: Share your personal story and explain how your background and experiences have influenced your interests and creative work. Be honest and sincere while providing the admissions committee with a strong sense of who you are as an individual and artist.

5. Demonstrate resilience and problem-solving skills: Showcase your ability to overcome challenges and transform obstacles into opportunities. Share how you've learned from your failures or setbacks and how these experiences have shaped your growth as an artist or designer.

6. Pay attention to the presentation: Since Pratt prides itself on artistic excellence, ensure that your essay is not only well-written but aesthetically pleasing. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and formatting, and consider the layout and structure of your essay as an opportunity to demonstrate your creativity.

Remember, the essay is a chance to differentiate yourself from other applicants and to explain how you would contribute to the Pratt community. By highlighting your passion, goals, and experience, you'll show admissions officers that you're a strong fit for their institution.

8 months ago

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