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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Examples of MIT's 'fun form' for applicants?

Hi all, I've heard that MIT has something called a 'fun form' for applicants to showcase their personality. Does anyone know more about this or have any examples of what other students have submitted? Thanks!

a year ago

Hi there! Yes, MIT does have a section in its application called the "fun form" where you have the opportunity to showcase your personality, interests, and quirks. The questions in this section are designed to let your personality shine through, so the admissions officers can get a sense of who you are outside of your academics and extracurriculars.

Some of the questions in past years have included:

1. The most significant challenge you've faced or something important that you haven't mentioned elsewhere in your application.

2. For those who love math and science: Share one cool creation or discovery by someone else and why you think it is interesting.

3. Three favorite words and why you chose them.

4. If you could invent something right now, what would it be?

To answer your question about examples, it's always best to use your creativity and be genuine in your responses. For instance, if you were to answer the question about your favorite words, you could say:

- Serendipity: because I love the concept of unexpected happy surprises.

- Mellifluous: as a musician, I appreciate how this word sounds as beautiful as its meaning.

- Quixotic: it serves as a reminder to dream big, even if doing so seems impractical at times.

As for the question about inventing something, you might say:

- I would invent a machine that can quickly and accurately sort microplastics from sand, making our beaches cleaner and preserving marine life.

When you respond to these questions, just be yourself and let your genuine personality shine through. Allow your unique attributes, passions, and experiences to show, and don't be afraid to be a little humorous or lighthearted if it feels natural to you. The goal is to give MIT's admissions officers a better understanding of who you are and what makes you stand out. Good luck!

a year ago

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