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Appealing an admissions decision

Hey everyone! I was just wondering if it's possible to appeal an admissions decision if I'm unhappy with the outcome. Do colleges usually accept appeals, or is it a long shot?

a year ago

Appealing an admissions decision is indeed possible, but it's important to understand that the chances of a successful appeal are generally quite low. Most colleges will only consider appeals when there is significant new information that wasn't included in the original application, or if there has been an error in the review process. Simply being unhappy with the outcome or reconsidering your interest in the college is not sufficient grounds for an appeal.

If you believe you have a valid reason for an appeal, you should first check the college's specific appeals process, since policies can vary. Some colleges have a formal process in place, while others might need you to contact the admissions office directly. In either case, make sure to present your case clearly, concisely, and respectfully, focusing on the new information or error that you believe warrants reconsideration, and always adhere to any deadlines that may apply.

Keep in mind that appealing an admissions decision should be done only when absolutely necessary, as it can consume a lot of time and energy, and the likelihood of a positive outcome remains low. It's often more productive to focus on the colleges that have accepted you or explore alternate routes like transferring later on. However, if you have a strong, well-supported case for an appeal, it may be worth pursuing. Just remember to be realistic about your chances and consider all your options as you plan your next steps.

To learn more, read this blog post:

a year ago

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