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Creating an end of year bucket list for high school juniors

As a junior, I want to make the most out of my final year in high school. I've been thinking about creating an end of year bucket list. Do you guys have any suggestions for things to experience in senior year or even the summer before? Open for any awesome ideas!

a year ago

It's exciting to plan out your senior year and the summer before! Here are some ideas to include in your end of year bucket list:

1. Attend school events: Take the opportunity to be part of school festivities like dances, sports events, theater productions, and talent shows. You'll create lasting memories with your friends and support your school community.

2. Embrace leadership roles: Step up in clubs, organizations, or sports teams you're passionate about. This will help build your character, make a difference in your community, and develop invaluable skills for college and beyond.

3. Engage in community service: Find local volunteer activities or initiate a project that makes an impact in your community. It's a meaningful way to give back and connect with others.

4. Explore potential career paths: Job shadow, intern, or complete a summer program in a field you're interested in. This can give you valuable insights into potential careers and help you make more informed decisions when selecting a college major.

5. Plan a memorable trip or outing: Organize a road trip, camping adventure, or amusement park visit with your close friends. Enjoy your time together and create unforgettable memories before entering the next phase of your lives.

6. Create a personal project: Pursue a passion, like writing a blog or short stories, learning an instrument or a new language, or even creating a podcast. As a bonus, your personal project can be showcased in your college applications and become a conversation starter in interviews.

7. Connect with your teachers and counselors: Build strong relationships with your teachers, and don't be afraid to ask for guidance or mentorship - they have a lot of wisdom to offer, and you won't be around them much longer!

8. Host a senior event: Organize a potluck dinner, game night, or movie marathon for your senior class to bond and celebrate your final year together.

9. Reflect and document: Keep a journal to look back on your experiences and thoughts, or create a scrapbook or video diary capturing your last year of high school.

Remember to prioritize your academic and extracurricular commitments while also enjoying senior year with your friends and peers. Cherish these moments, as they're an important part of your high school experience!

a year ago

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