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High School Internship at a Law Firm

I'm really interested in pursuing law, but I'm currently just a high school junior. Can I intern at a law firm while still in high school? If yes, how do I go about finding and applying for these opportunities?

a year ago

Yes, it's possible to intern at a law firm as a high school student! Securing the opportunity may just require more initiative and creativity than if you were older. Here's a step-by-step guide to finding and applying for law firm internships as a high school student:

1. Start by researching: Look for local law firms in your area, and check their websites to see if they have any internship programs or opportunities geared towards high school students. Larger firms may have established programs, while smaller firms might be open to the idea of an internship upon request. Local firms may be more invested in the success of young, aspiring legal professionals in their community.

2. Networking: Connect with family, friends, teachers, or school counselors who might know someone working in the legal field. They may be able to provide a valuable introduction or connection. Additionally, consider attending local bar association meetings or legal events to network with professionals.

3. Tailor your resume: Draft a resume that highlights your interests, relevant coursework, and extracurricular activities related to law, such as participating in a debate club or mock trial. Be sure to emphasize any leadership roles or volunteer work you've done in the past.

4. Prepare a cover letter: Write a cover letter expressing your interest in working at the law firm and why you'd be a good fit. Explain how interning would help you learn more about the legal field and how your skills and interests align with the firm's values or practice areas. You can find guidance on how to write strong cover letters and resumes online.

5. Reach out to firms: Contact local law firms by sending them your resume and cover letter through email. In your message, make sure to show genuine interest in their firm and highlight specific areas of interest related to their practice areas.

6. Persistence pays off: Keep contacting different law firms until you find an opportunity. Since you're a high school student, some firms may not have a formal internship process, so be open to different roles or arrangements that will allow you to gain experience and exposure to the profession.

7. Be professional: When you do secure an internship, make sure to be punctual, dress professionally, and be proactive in asking questions and seeking out opportunities to learn and contribute to the firm's work.

Remember that securing an internship can be competitive, so be persistent and don't get discouraged if you don't find an opportunity immediately. Finally, if you're open to a wider variety of law-related programs, and aren't looking for only internships at an actual firm, you can find a list of some options specifically catered to high schoolers on CollegeVine's blog:

Good luck!

a year ago

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