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UConn Merit Scholarships?

I'm interested in applying to UConn and wanted to know if they offer any merit scholarships for incoming students. If they do, what are the requirements, and how can I apply?

a year ago

Yes, UConn does offer merit scholarships for incoming students. Merit scholarships are awarded based on a variety of factors such as academic achievement, leadership, and extracurricular involvement. There isn't a separate application process for most of UConn's merit scholarships; by simply submitting your application for admission, you'll be automatically considered for these scholarships.

One of the notable merit scholarships offered by UConn is the Nutmeg Scholarship, which provides full tuition, fees, and room and board for in-state students. Another one is the Day of Pride Scholarship, which also covers full tuition, fees, and room and board but is for out-of-state students. Recipients of these scholarships are typically in the top 5-10% of their high school class and have strong standardized test scores.

Additionally, each school within UConn (such as the School of Engineering or the School of Business) may offer scholarships specific to students in that academic area. These may have additional application requirements or deadlines, so it's important to review the scholarship information for your chosen school or major.

To increase your chances of receiving a merit scholarship, focus on maintaining a high GPA, performing well on standardized tests (if required for that particular scholarship), and engaging in extracurricular activities that demonstrate leadership and commitment. Keep in mind that scholarships are competitive, so continue to search for other financial aid opportunities in case you don't receive a merit scholarship from UConn. For example, don't forget to complete the FAFSA to be eligible for need-based financial aid.

For more information on merit scholarships at UConn, visit their financial aid website or contact the Office of Financial Aid. Best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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