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Impact of Regents scores on college applications

Hey everyone! I was just wondering, do colleges take the New York State Regents scores into account when looking at applications? Should I be worried about getting perfect scores on these exams?

a year ago

Hello! While New York State Regents scores can play a role in college applications, their impact is generally minimal compared to other factors, such as your grades in high school courses, SAT or ACT scores, extracurricular involvement, and essays. Regents scores usually won't make or break your application.

However, it's still a good idea to try your best on these exams, as some colleges might consider them as a supplementary piece of information in the admissions process. These scores can help them further assess your academic abilities or fulfill specific subject requirements, and in general, an extra gold star on your application never hurt anybody. But you don't need to be overly stressed about achieving perfect scores on them.

Ultimately, focus on maintaining a strong academic record and demonstrating a well-rounded and unique application. Excel in your coursework and engage in meaningful extracurricular activities that highlight your passions and interests. Colleges value these factors more than the Regents scores, so invest your time and energy appropriately! Good luck!

a year ago

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