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How to find out if classes transfer from college to college?

I'm looking to transfer credits between colleges, but I'm not sure how to start the process. What are some reliable resources or methods to check for transferability of courses?

10 days ago

The process of transferring credits from one college to another can be a bit complex, but here are some steps to help you navigate it:

1. Review the Receiving School’s Transfer Policies: The first thing you'll want to do is review the transfer policies of the school you're planning to transfer to (the receiving school). These policies will outline what types of courses they accept for transfer (for example, only certain gen ed or major-specific courses, only courses where you received a certain grade, etc.). This information is usually available on the school's website, often on the Admissions or Registrar's page.

2. Use a Transfer Credit Evaluator: If the school you're planning to transfer to has a transfer credit evaluation tool on its website, this will allow you to enter the courses you've taken at your current school to see how they'll transfer over. Not all schools offer this, but many do, and it's a very handy resource.

3. Talk to an Advisor: It's also a good idea to set up an appointment to talk to an advisor at the school you're planning to transfer to. They can help you understand how well your credits are likely to transfer and can also provide guidance on any additional steps you may need to take.

4. Course Syllabi: Lastly, having course syllabi or detailed course descriptions handy can be beneficial in determining transferability. Sometimes, a course may not seem to be equivalent at face value, but upon review of the syllabus, it may be determined that the content is similar and a credit transfer can be approved.

Remember, it can take time for schools to make determinations on credit transfers, and the outcome can vary based on the specific policies of each institution. Starting this process early will help ensure you have adequate time to make any necessary plans or adjustments.

10 days ago

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