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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How to identify which of your college classes will transfer?

I want to transfer to another university but I'm unsure which of my current classes will transfer. What steps should I take to determine this and who should I talk to?

10 days ago

Determining which of your current college classes will transfer to another university typically involves a few crucial steps:

1. The first step would be to understand the transfer policies of the university you intend to transfer to. You can usually find this information on the school's official website under the admissions or registrar section. Schools often have a list of classes from other colleges that they've previously accepted for transfer credit.

2. Another resource is the transfer articulation agreement or transfer guide, if your current school or target school has established one. These are agreements between institutions outlining how courses and credits will transfer between them.

3. Meet with an academic adviser or the registrar at your current school. They have knowledge about the course content and can provide preliminary insight on whether or not your current classes might transfer.

4. Reach out to the admissions office or a transfer advisor at the prospective university. They will give you definitive information on the process for evaluating transfer credits and can often provide preliminary assessments.

5. Gather detailed descriptions and syllabi for your completed courses. This can be helpful in case the school you're transferring to needs more information to make a decision about credit transfers.

Remember, even if a course does transfer, it may not necessarily apply directly to your intended major or program requirements at your new institution. Always be sure to check the specifics!

10 days ago

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