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Tips for completing the transfer college report on the Common App?

I'm working on my transfer application and need to submit a college report through the Common App. What details do I need to focus on to ensure it's completed correctly?

10 days ago

The College Report is a required part of the Common Application for transfer students. It's a document that must be completed by a school official at your current or most recent college, usually a dean or college registrar, who can provide information about your standing at that institution.

First and foremost, it's crucial to identify the appropriate person at your institution who will fill out this form. This could be various people depending on the size and structure of your college - an academic advisor, dean, or a representative from the Registrar’s Office. You might want to confirm their willingness and ability to complete the report in a timely manner given application deadlines.

The College Report asks for information like your current academic status, whether you're in good standing, if you've ever been found responsible for a disciplinary violation, and your dates of enrollment. Essentially, colleges are checking that you have been a responsible member of your current institution and that there weren't academic or behavioral problems leading to your decision to transfer.

It's important to note that many colleges and universities have policies where in-progress disciplinary action must be reported, if applicable. If you do have a disciplinary record, consider talking to a college counselor or advisor about how you can address this in your application, as most universities allow for explanation in the Additional Information section.

Once you've listed the contact details of the college official completing your report on the Common App, the system will send them an email prompt to fill out the necessary paperwork online.

Remember, it's ultimately your responsibility to ensure the College Report gets completed and submitted in a timely manner. Stay in regular contact with the person completing your report and consider setting reminders for yourself to follow up.

Lastly, keep an eye on your Common Application account to confirm when the form gets submitted. That's key in ensuring the complete application is submitted before the deadlines. As different colleges might have different deadlines, make sure you are aware of the specific dates for each of the institutions you are applying to.

Good luck with your transfer process! Transferring colleges can be a big step, but maintaining thorough communication and being proactive in completing required documentation can make the process a lot smoother.

10 days ago

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