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How do I know if my college credits will transfer?

I'm thinking of changing colleges and I'm worried about my credits transferring. What's the best way to find out if they'll be accepted at the new school?

10 days ago

The best and most direct way to figure out whether your credits will transfer to a new college is to speak with the registrar or an academic advisor at the prospective new college you're considering. These professionals can review your transcripts and provide you with more insight as to which, if any, credits will be accepted.

Aside from directly contacting the school, you can also use online transfer credit equivalency databases that some schools provide to see if courses from your current institution will transfer. Input your course details to see if there are existing equivalency agreements. Keep in mind though, these databases are often not exhaustive, and lack of an equivalency doesn't necessarily mean your credits won't transfer, so it is best to confirm with the school's officials.

Also, be cognizant of the fact that credits may transfer differently depending on your specific academic program or major. In some cases, institutions might accept certain credits as electives, but they may not count towards your major. That’s another reason why it's crucial to have a direct conversation with a school official at the new institution.

Make sure to have your syllabus and course description handy as new institutions might need them to assess credit equivalence.

Remember, every institution has different rules and guidelines about transfer credits, so it's crucial you understand those guidelines before making the decision to switch colleges. This can ultimately save you time, money, and repeated coursework.

10 days ago

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