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Finding Scholarships as a College Transfer Student

I'm planning to transfer colleges and I'm trying to figure out how to track down scholarships specifically for transfer students. Does anyone have tips or resources for finding these scholarships?

10 days ago

Congratulations on making the decision to transfer! In terms of finding scholarships specifically aimed at transfer students, it can definitely be a bit trickier than for incoming freshmen, but they're definitely out there!

First, check with the school you're transferring to. Many colleges have financial aid opportunities specifically for transfer students. Go to the school's financial aid website or give them a call and ask about any scholarships designed for transfers.

Next, take a look at your existing academic connections. If you’re part of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at your community college, for instance, you might be eligible for their transfer scholarships. Other clubs and honor societies may also have similar offerings.

In addition, don’t forget about using online databases like Appily, Fastweb, or Chegg. These platforms can help you customize your search based on your unique situation – including the fact that you're a transfer student.

A few national scholarships for transfer students are available as well, such as the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship or the Coca-Cola Community College Academic Team Scholarship.

As you conduct your searches, be sure to pay attention to the eligibility requirements. Not every scholarship is open to transfer students, so make sure to check that information to ensure you qualify before you invest time into applying. Good luck with your search!

10 days ago

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