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Finding a College's Transfer Rate

I'm trying to get a sense of how competitive it is to transfer to certain colleges. Where can I find information on a college's transfer rate and what levels are considered typical?

10 days ago

To find information about a college's transfer rate, you can look at its Common Data Set (CDS), which is a document that many colleges and universities make available to provide detailed statistics about their student body, faculty, and more. The CDS for each school should include information about the number of transfer students who apply and the number who are admitted.

To find a college's CDS, you can search "[School Name] Common Data Set" in a search engine. Once you open the document, the section you're looking for is usually titled "Transfer Admissions".

As for what's typical, transfer acceptance rates can vary greatly from college to college, and they can be higher or lower than the acceptance rates for first-year students. While many colleges are transfer-friendly, some highly selective institutions may have a much lower acceptance rate for transfers. Additionally, public universities often have higher transfer rates due to agreements with community colleges.

10 days ago

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