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BU supplement - any advice?

Hey guys! I'm working on my application for Boston University and I'm stuck on the supplement essay. Any suggestions on how to get started and what topics to cover? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! I understand that starting your supplement essay for Boston University can be challenging. When writing the BU supplement essay, it's important to focus on answering the question in a way that will set you apart from other applicants. You can read up on how to do that on CollegeVine's blog, which breaks down the current supplemental essay prompts for BU:

Overall, you'll want to share personal anecdotes or stories that reveal aspects of your character, passions, or goals which will be complemented or furthered by attending BU. Make sure the examples you choose are unique to you and not generic statements that could apply to any applicant. Also, try to avoid reiterating information already in your application. The supplement essay offers an opportunity to showcase a different facet of your personality or experience, so use this space effectively.

Lastly, get to know the BU culture and values and take the time to explain why you are a good fit for the university. This can show that you have conducted thorough research and demonstrates genuine interest in the institution.

Once you have your ideas and thoughts together, organize them into a coherent and concise essay that flows well and demonstrates your passion for BU. As you revise and refine your essay, pay attention to grammar, spelling, and sentence structure to ensure your writing is polished and compelling. If you want help with revision, consider either taking advantage of CollegeVine's Free Peer Essay Review Tool or submitting your essay for a review by an expert college admissions advisor on CollegeVine's marketplace.

Good luck with your Boston University supplement essay!

a year ago

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