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Local research opportunities for high school students?

I'm interested in finding research opportunities that are close to home, but I'm not sure where to start. Are there any resources you know of for finding local research positions or internships for high school students? Thanks!

a year ago

It's wonderful that you're interested in pursuing research opportunities while still in high school! You might be surprised to discover that there are several avenues you can explore to find local research positions or internships. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Local colleges and universities: Contact the science or engineering departments of nearby colleges or universities and inquire about possible research shadowing or assistant positions for high school students. Professors may be willing to include you in their projects, or there might be research programs with openings specifically for high school students.

2. Science or technology centers: Many cities have science or technology centers which might offer internships or research opportunities to high school students. Reach out to these organizations and ask about participating in their programs.

3. High school guidance counselors and teachers: Talk with your school's guidance counselor or science teachers, as they might be aware of local research opportunities that would be suitable for you. They may also have connections with professionals in related fields, which could help you gain access to such opportunities.

4. Science fairs or competitions: Participating in science fairs or competitions, such as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair or the Siemens Competition, could lead to invaluable connections with research professionals. Winning or placing well in these events may also open the door to research positions or internships.

5. Professional associations and societies: Some professional associations or scientific societies may offer resources for students seeking research internships. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), for example, has a list of student research resources on their website.

6. Online research databases and platforms: Websites like CollegeVine,, and offer searchable databases for internships and research opportunities. You can often filter by location and research field to find local positions tailored to your interests.

As you embark on your search, don't hesitate to reach out and express your passion for research. Even if a specific program or position is not currently available, the connections you develop can lead to future opportunities. Good luck!

a year ago

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