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How does the Common App handle letters of recommendation?

I'm a bit confused about the recommendation letter process on the Common App. How exactly do I invite my teachers? And once they submit it, can I see the letters or will they remain confidential? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

The Common Application (Common App) streamlines the process of requesting and submitting letters of recommendation. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to handle recommendation letters on the Common App:

1. Start by going to the "Recommendations and FERPA" section of the Common App, which is typically found within the "My Colleges" tab for each college on your list.

2. Before inviting recommenders, you'll need to complete the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) waiver. This waiver grants the college permission to view your recommendation letters. It's important to note that most colleges require you to waive your rights to view the letters, and doing so can help increase the credibility of the recommendations.

3. With the FERPA waiver completed, you can proceed to invite your teachers and other recommenders (e.g., counselor, coach, employer, etc.). You will need to provide their full name and email address.

4. Once you've entered their information, an email invitation will be sent to them with instructions on how to create an account on the Common App system and upload their letter of recommendation. Keep in mind that you should discuss this request with your recommenders in-person or through a separate email, as the Common App's invitation may not be enough for them to understand the context or timeline.

5. Your recommenders will submit their letters directly to the Common App, and you will not be able to view them if you have waived your FERPA rights. This confidentiality helps maintain the integrity of the recommendations and ensures that your teachers and other recommenders can offer candid assessments of your abilities and character.

6. You can monitor the status of your recommendation letters in the "Recommendations and FERPA" section. It will show whether a recommender has accepted your invitation, started preparing the recommendation, or submitted it. You can send them reminders or make changes to their information as needed.

Remember to give your recommenders ample time (at least a month, preferably more) to write and submit their letters. Stay in communication with them to ensure they are aware of the deadlines and provide any necessary information.

Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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