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Listing Awards on the Common App?

Hey guys, I'm a high school junior working on my college applications, and I'm a bit confused about the awards section on the Common App. Can someone provide advice on how to list my awards and achievements in a way that's clear and well organized? Thanks a bunch!

a year ago

I'm happy to help! The awards section of the Common App is an opportunity for you to showcase your academic and extracurricular achievements. Here are some tips on listing your awards in a clear and well-organized manner:

1. Prioritize your awards: List your most impressive and significant awards first, as these will stand out to the admissions officers. Focus on national or regional recognition, followed by state and local accomplishments.

2. Categorize your awards: If you have multiple awards, it can be helpful to organize them into distinct categories (for example, academic honors, athletic achievements, community service recognition, etc.) However, be sure to follow the prioritization mentioned in the first point.

3. Be specific and clear: Provide the full name of the award, the organization that granted it, and the level of recognition (e.g., national, regional, state, or local). Include any relevant details such as the eligibility criteria or the purpose of the award.

4. Be concise: Use clear and succinct language to describe your awards. Common App allows for 100 characters for the award title and 150 characters for the description, so make the most of that space.

5. Include the date of the award: Indicate the year you received the award in the space provided. If you received the same award multiple times, you may wish to consolidate them into one entry and mention the years of receipt in the description.

An example of how to list an award could look like this:

Award Title: National Merit Scholarship Semifinalist

Description: Recognized as one of 16,000 nationwide based on top 1% of PSAT scores; Year: 2022.

Remember, the key is to be clear, concise, and organized in your presentation of your awards and achievements. Best of luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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