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High school writing contests worth participating in?

Hi there! I'm a junior who loves to write, and I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for high school writing contests that could help me further develop my skills and possibly earn some recognition.

8 months ago

Hi! It's great to hear about your passion for writing. Participating in high school writing contests can indeed help you develop your skills and gain recognition. Here's a list of some reputable writing contests worth considering:

1. Scholastic Art & Writing Awards: This prestigious competition recognizes creative teens in various categories, such as poetry, short stories, personal essays, and more. Submitting your work here can lead to regional and national recognition.

2. YoungArts: With multiple disciplines, including writing, this national competition provides opportunities for financial awards, as well as mentorship and professional development for young artists.

3. The New York Times Student Writing Contests: The NYT offers various contests throughout the year, focusing on different aspects of writing like editorials, personal narrative essays, and even podcasts. Keep an eye on their website for submission deadlines and guidelines.

4. The Adroit Prizes: Organized by The Adroit Journal, this contest offers prize categories for both poetry and prose, open to high school students around the world. It's an excellent opportunity for young writers to gain experience and recognition.

5. Princeton University's Leonard L. Milberg '53 High School Poetry Prize: Open to high school juniors, this poetry contest is highly competitive and offers an opportunity to be published in the Princeton University literary magazine.

Remember that the quality of your submissions matters more than the number of contests you enter. Focus on honing your writing skills and submit your best work. Additionally, participating in your school's literary magazine or starting a writing club can be another excellent way to show your dedication to the craft and even develop your leadership skills. Best of luck, and happy writing!

8 months ago

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