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Sending ACT scores after application submission

I just submitted my college applications but realized I forgot to send my ACT scores 😬. Can I still send them now or is it too late? Will colleges still accept them?

a year ago

You're not alone in facing this situation, so don't panic. In most cases, colleges understand that test scores might arrive separately from your application. Here's what you should do immediately:

1. Check the colleges' websites for their specific policies regarding test score submission deadlines. Some schools may accept scores slightly after the application deadline, while others may have stricter cut-off dates.

2. Send your ACT scores as soon as possible through the official ACT website. When you send them electronically, they generally arrive faster than physical copies.

3. Reach out to the admissions offices of the colleges you applied to and let them know about your situation. Explain that you submitted your application on time but forgot to send your ACT scores, and ask if it's still possible for them to consider them. Remember to be courteous and professional in your communication.

4. Monitor your application portal to ensure that your ACT scores have been received and added to your application.

In most cases, if you act promptly and communicate transparently with the admissions offices, they're likely to work with you to find a solution. But it's crucial to be proactive to demonstrate your commitment and interest in their institution. Good luck!

a year ago

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