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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What class rank should I aim for to be considered competitive in college admissions?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior looking to increase my chances for getting into great colleges. What kind of class rank would look good on my application? I know it differs between schools, but is there a general range I should aim for?

a year ago

Hello! The importance of class rank varies depending on the college you're interested in, but generally, being in the top 10% of your class is considered competitive for college admissions. Some colleges place a higher emphasis on class rank, while others take a more holistic approach, considering all aspects of your application.

For highly selective colleges, a class rank in the top 5% or even top 1% may be necessary to truly stand out. However, it's important to remember that class rank is just one factor in the admission process. Colleges will also consider your GPA, course rigor, standardized test scores (if applicable), essays, extracurricular activities, and other factors when evaluating your application.

It's a good idea to research the specific colleges you're interested in to see if they have any particular class rank thresholds. This can help you gauge where you should aim to be in your class. But also focus on other aspects of your application that will make you a well-rounded and interesting applicant.

In summary, aim for the highest possible class rank, but don't forget about other aspects of your application, such as pursuing a rigorous curriculum, participating in meaningful extracurricular activities, and writing powerful application essays. Best of luck!

a year ago

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