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Famous geniuses with low SAT scores?

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know any historical figures or famous geniuses who had low SAT scores but still succeeded in life? I think it could be interesting and motivating to hear about their experiences.

8 months ago

Certainly! It's important to remember that SAT scores are not the sole determining factor of success. Here are a few examples of well-known individuals who had lower SAT scores but still achieved remarkable accomplishments in their lives:

1. Albert Einstein: Although there wasn't an SAT during his time, Einstein struggled with standardized tests because of his dyslexia. Yet, he became one of the most famous theoretical physicists and developed the theory of relativity.

2. Charles Darwin: Again, there wasn't an SAT in Darwin's time, but he was known to have struggled in school and was even considered average by his teachers. Nonetheless, he went on to develop the groundbreaking theory of evolution through natural selection.

3. Bill Clinton: Clinton scored right around the average SAT score of 1030 yet he was still able to become President of the United States.

4. Richard Branson: The founder of Virgin Group is dyslexic and performed poorly in school; however, he eventually became a successful entrepreneur with a global business empire.

While these people may not have had low SAT scores specifically, they struggled academically or took unconventional paths that led them to success. It's important to remember that there are multiple routes to success in life, and standardized test scores or college achievements are not the only indicators of a person's potential.

If you want to look at more SAT scores of famous people, check out this blog post from CollegeVine: https://blog.collegevine.com/celebrity-sat-scores

8 months ago

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