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Reporting an AP Score of 3?

I received a 3 on one of my AP exams and I'm unsure if I should report it on my college applications. Would a score of 3 be seen as a negative aspect in my application, or should I just go ahead and report it?

a year ago

It's important to remember that AP scores are not the main focus of college admissions, as they tend to place more emphasis on your course rigor and the grades you received in those courses. That being said, a score of 3 is considered a passing score and indicates that you have a sufficient understanding of the subject matter.

Whether to report a score of 3 largely depends on the selectiveness of the colleges you're applying to. For less selective schools, a score of 3 should not have a significant negative impact on your application and may show that you have taken challenging courses and performed adequately. On the other hand, for more selective schools, applicants generally have scores of 4 or 5 on their AP exams. If the majority of your AP scores are 4 or higher, you might consider not reporting the 3 to these schools.

It's also worth considering the relevance of that specific AP course to your intended major or academic focus. If the AP course is unrelated to your field of interest, reporting a 3 may not have a major impact on your application. However, if the course is closely related to your intended major, you might want to think twice about reporting a lower score.

Ultimately, the choice of whether to report a 3 on an AP exam depends on your individual situation, the schools you're applying to, and your overall academic profile. Remember that colleges use a holistic admissions process, so a single AP score is just one piece of a much larger picture.

To learn more about AP scores, read this blog post:

a year ago

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