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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Does UCLA track demonstrated interest?

I'm applying to UCLA, and I'm curious if they track demonstrated interest like visiting campus, attending events, etc. How important is it for me to show strong interest in their school during the application process?

a year ago

UCLA, like other schools in the University of California system, does not track demonstrated interest in their admissions process. This means that actions like visiting campus, attending events, or connecting with the admissions office will not have a direct impact on your application decision.

However, that doesn't mean you shouldn't make an effort to learn about the school and engage with the community if you're genuinely interested. Understanding the school's values, culture, and specific opportunities can help you craft more compelling application materials, such as writing specific and informed essays about how you plan to take advantage of various programs and resources at UCLA.

While demonstrating interest directly to the school is not required, showcasing your enthusiasm and aptitude for what UCLA has to offer within your application is crucial. Make sure you articulate why the programs, clubs, research opportunities, or even the school atmosphere align well with your goals and interests. This will help the admissions committee understand why you would be a good fit for the university and how you would contribute to the campus community.

a year ago

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