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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do colleges require volunteer hour proofs?

When applying to college, do you need to provide proof of volunteer hours (like a signed paper from the organization) or do colleges just trust what you put on your application? I have done a lot of volunteering and it just hit me that I don't have any sort of documentation for my hours.

8 months ago

In general, colleges don't require applicants to provide proof of volunteer hours when submitting their applications. Colleges typically trust students to accurately report their volunteer work, along with other extracurricular activities, on their applications. However, it's important to be honest and accurate with your reporting, as colleges may occasionally conduct random checks or follow-up with the organizations where you volunteered.

That being said, it's a good idea to maintain some documentation of your volunteer activities. You can reach out to the organizations you've worked with, and kindly request a letter or document confirming your volunteer work and hours. This way, if a college ever inquires about your volunteer experiences, you'll have the necessary documentation to support your claims.

During the application process, focus on demonstrating the impact of your volunteering and the skills and growth you've gained from these experiences. This approach will help to emphasize the significance of your involvement and give the admissions officers a better understanding of your dedication to community service.

8 months ago

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