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Facebook Summer Academy?

I recently heard about the Facebook Summer Academy program for high school students. Can anyone share their experience if they participated or provide any info on how competitive this program is? I'm really interested in it!

a year ago

Sure, I'd be happy to give some insight into the Meta Summer Academy (formerly known as the Facebook Summer Academy). The Academy is a free, six-week program that offers high school students a chance to learn about computer science, engineering, and product design.

Participants work with Meta mentors and get access to workshops, guest speakers, and networking events. Keep in mind that the program is currently only offered to students who live or attend school near the Meta headquarters in Menlo Park, California.

As for competitiveness, the Meta Summer Academy is selective because it only accepts a small number of students each year. However, this isn't to say that it's impossible to get in. The admissions committee is looking for students who demonstrate a genuine interest in technology and a commitment to learning. Prior experience in computer science or engineering isn't required, but having some knowledge or involvement in tech-related activities will be a plus.

To increase your chances of being accepted, make sure your application clearly communicates your passion for technology and your eagerness to learn. Highlight any relevant extracurriculars, projects, or experiences that showcase your interest in the field. Also, if you're able to secure a letter of recommendation from a teacher or mentor who can speak to your dedication and aptitude, that would be a key component to strengthening your application.

Remember that participating in competitive summer programs like the Meta Summer Academy can boost your college application by showing that you're proactive and engaged in your chosen field. Plus, the skills and connections you'll gain from the experience will be invaluable as you move forward in your educational and career journey. Best of luck!

a year ago

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