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Preparing for the Case Western PPSP interview?

I luckily got an interview for the Pre-Professional Scholars Program at Case Western, and I'm both excited and nervous! Can anyone who went through the process provide some tips to prepare, what questions to expect, and how to make the best impression? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Congratulations on securing an interview for the Pre-Professional Scholars Program at Case Western! It's natural to feel both excited and nervous, but being well prepared can help you feel more confident. Here are some tips to help you get ready for the interview, along with some possible questions you may be asked.

1. Research the PPSP: Familiarize yourself with the program's structure, objectives, and opportunities for students. This will help you understand its values and provide specific reasons for why you're interested in the program.

2. Know your "Why": Be prepared to articulate why the PPSP at Case Western is the right fit for you, why you're passionate about the healthcare field, and what you hope to achieve in the program.

3. Revisit your application: Reflect on your essays, activities, and experiences included in your application, as interviewers may ask about them. Highlight your accomplishments, challenges you've faced, and any unique experiences that demonstrate your commitment to healthcare.

4. Practice common interview questions: Some examples include:

- Why do you want to join the PPSP at Case Western?

- What experience(s) inspired your interest in healthcare and/or your chosen profession?

- How do you handle academic challenges or setbacks?

- Can you describe a time when you worked in a team? What was your role, and what did you learn from this experience?

- How do you see yourself contributing to the PPSP community and the healthcare field in the future?

5. Invest time in mock interviews: Have a friend, family member, or counselor help you practice answering questions in a conversational manner. This will help you build confidence, reduce nervousness, and develop the ability to think on your feet.

6. Prepare questions for your interviewer: Asking thoughtful questions about the program will show that you have done your homework and are genuinely interested in the PPSP. You can inquire about unique aspects of the program, such as mentorship, community engagement opportunities, or academic support resources.

7. Be professional and enthusiastic: Dress appropriately for the interview, arrive early, and maintain a positive demeanor throughout. Engage in active listening, maintain eye contact, and be genuine in both your responses and interaction with the interviewers.

8. Follow up after your interview: Send a thank you email to your interviewer, expressing your gratitude for their time and reiterating your interest in the program. This small gesture helps leave a favorable impression behind and indicates your genuine interest in the PPSP.

By following these steps in your preparation, and remembering that the interview is also an opportunity for you to learn more about the program, you'll be able to make the best impression and increase your chances of success. Best of luck!

a year ago

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