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Looking for Harvard college essay examples

Hey y'all! I'm looking for some inspiration for my college admissions essays. Does anyone know where I could find some Harvard college essay examples to get an idea of what successful applicants have done? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hello! It's great that you're looking for inspiration to help with your college essays. When seeking examples, specifically from Harvard or any other top institution, there are a few places you can check out:

1. Check online for essay compilations: There are websites that compile successful college essays from top institutions, including Harvard. CollegeVine, for example, has a blog that shares successful essays, including one from Harvard (, and analysis of what the essays did well and any places for improvement.

2. Purchase books with essays: There are books available that compile successful college essays, such as "50 Successful Harvard Application Essays." These can provide a wealth of examples, as well as analysis on why the essays were effective. Be sure to get the latest editions to stay updated on current trends in college essays.

3. Read essays from current students or recent graduates: If you have connections to current Harvard students or recent graduates, consider reaching out to them. They might be willing to share their essays and provide valuable insights into what worked for them.

Remember that while it's helpful to read successful essays, it's essential to create your own unique, authentic, and personal story. Be true to yourself and your experiences, and avoid trying to match your style too closely to what you've read in other people's essays. Overall, you should be using these essays as inspiration, rather than a template that you try to fill in word-for-word.

Good luck with your Harvard essays!

a year ago

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