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Civics Unplugged acceptance rate?

Hey everyone, I've been considering applying to the Civics Unplugged program, and I'm wondering if any of you know what their acceptance rate is like? Any general advice about the application process would be really helpful as well! Thanks in advance!

8 months ago

Hello! While I don't have the exact acceptance rate for the Civics Unplugged program, it's certainly a competitive program that attracts students who are passionate about civic engagement and making a difference in their communities. Despite the competition, it shouldn't discourage you from applying if you're truly interested in the experience and the opportunities the program provides.

As for the application process, consider the following tips to increase your chances:

1. Research the program thoroughly: Visit the Civics Unplugged website, explore their social media accounts, and read about past fellows to understand the organization's mission, values, and expectations from fellows.

2. Emphasize your passion for civic engagement: Highlight any relevant experiences that demonstrate your commitment to civic issues and show that you're dedicated to creating positive change.

3. Be genuine and personal in your application: Use your personal experiences and perspective to answer the prompts. Make sure the application reflects your voice, beliefs, and motivations.

4. Proofread your application: Although content is more important, presenting a polished application with excellent grammar and punctuation will convey your commitment and professionalism.

5. Request a recommendation letter from someone who knows your civic-mindedness: Choose a mentor or a teacher who can attest to your passion for civic engagement and your ability to make a difference. This will help the selection committee see your potential through the eyes of those who are familiar with your work.

Good luck with your application, and I hope you find this advice helpful! Remember, it's not just about the acceptance rate; it's about how well you can convey your passion and commitment to civic engagement through your application.

8 months ago

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